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Home Indian Herbs Amla Powder - HennaFox

Amla Powder - HennaFox

Price: €3.37
  • Rating: (4)
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  • Weight:
    0.100 Kgs

Amla could be used as a face and body exfoliant, and also in henna recipes to tone down the red. Also known as Indian Gooseberry.

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    Indian Herbs
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Amla powder comes from the Emblica Officinalis fruit. It is rich in vit C and is a well-known antioxidant. In its powdered form, amla has many applications in natural skin and hair care.

For hair

-        Amla is a natural hair conditioner; add to your herbal wash mix for shiny and silky hair. Curls will be more defined and manageable

-         Amla stimulates hair follicles and is often used to prevent hair loss; it is beneficial in cases of dandruff and other skin ailments 

-         Amla helps against premature graying of hair

-         Amla can be used to achieve cooler tones in henna + indigo mixes

For skin

-         Amla cleanses & exfoliates; it has a natural antioxidant action

by Миленка Златинова, 24 Feb 2019

От месец януари използвам Амла на прах - косата ми определено изглежда отлично! Горещо го препоръчвам.