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Home Indian Herbs Alkanna - Le Erbe di Janas, 100g

Alkanna - Le Erbe di Janas, 100g

Price: €8.13
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  • Weight:
    0.100 Kgs

Use to achieve purple-red and cherry tones, especially combined with henna

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    Indian Herbs
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Use together with henna for a long lasting deep cherry and plum hue.

The name Alkanna is derived from the Arab word „alhinna“ /henna/. Alkanna tinctoria root powder is well-known and traditional to many cultures as a source of a colouring pigment to dye textile, cosmetics and food in reddish and purple shades.


For hair: the hair colour obtained with Alkanna is bright and light-reflecting. Because the powder is prepared in an oil base, the combination works in synergy and further nourishes and strengthens the hair, making it silky soft.

Important: the pigment is not water-soluble - always mix it initially with an oil according to the instructions below. Additionally you can influence the colour by varying the рН: by adding an acidic ingredient such as lemon juice or vinegar, you will obtain more pinky shades; bicarbonate soda (use 4 g per 100 g alkanna powder) will push the colour to blue/purple.

Used on its own, the colouring power of alkanna is neither high nor long-lasting. Use it together with cool red henna to get a cool cherry red tone.


How to use: Step 1: mix the powder with a vegetable oil of your choice such as jojoba or almond oil and put the mixture in a jar. Make an oil infusion by placing the jar in hot water for 30 minutes or 48 hours at room temperature. Don't let the oil boil. As an alternative, you could opt for a cold infusion - place the alkanna-oil mixture in a tightly sealed jar; place the jar in a dark place for 40 days and shake it at least 2-3 times a week.

Step 2: Apply the oil infusion to the hair or add to the henna paste.


Ingredients: Alkanna tinctoria root powder

External use only